Yara N-Sensor V3.10
Operation Manual
Solar elevation below limit:
(passive N-
Sensors only) The current solar elevation is
below 25° above the horizon. As long as
enough light is available, the system con-
tinues to work, but accuracy may be re-
duced and recommended rates may drift
over time. It is strongly recommended to
finish N-Sensor work as soon as possible.
Wrong growth stage:
An agronomic cali-
bration function is not available for the se-
lected combination of
Crop type
. This warning is displayed immedi-
ately after crop type and growth stage have
been entered in the agronomic calibration
Regardless of the warning message, the
system will work using the most suitable
agronomic calibration function.
Protein quality dressing:
In cereals, at
growth stages between EC 59 and EC 69 a
protein quality dressing will be applied. In
general, the agronomic calibration function
is opposite to the “normal” calibration func-
tions at earlier growth stages. Application
rates will increase with increasing N-
Sensor readings, whereas at earlier stages
rates generally decrease with increasing
You should be aware of this principal dif-
ference and make sure that a protein qual-
ity dressing is really required.
Last revised: 28.01.2009 14:39
Page 13 of 64