Yara N-Sensor V3.10
Operation Manual
he wants to use. For Reglone there is an option to select
applications when the
first application is done. In this mode, the maximum dose of Reglone during the
first application is 2 L/ha in stead of 3 or 3.75 L/ha when 1 application is selected.
How to deal with unfavourable conditions / Risk management:
At the time of po-
tato haulm killing, conditions may prevail that ask for higher doses then the default
dosing algorithms. These conditions are for example (site specific) weed develop-
ment through the potato canopy or foci of
Phytophthora infestans
. Another exam-
ple is a very dense canopy with long thick stems and some lodging. In these situa-
tion, the user can select from the start the
High Risk
level and dosing algorithms,
which generally give a 20 - 25 % higher dose then the default algorithms, or use
+10 %
button locally to increase the dose on sites with unfavourable situations
(weeds, diseases, lodging).
Of course, the user can also reduce the dose locally by using the
–10 %
when conditions are highly favourable.
Agent content in containers for injection sprayers:
Normally, the container with the
agent can be connected to the injection sprayer without diluting. However, if a dry
powder or a highly concentrated – low dose agent is used, the operator has to de-
cide on what the optimal concentration in the container should be. In the case of
Spotlight Plus, a dilution of 25 % v/v. Agent content in the Agronomic calibration
menu should then be set accordingly.
Determining tank mix concentration for conventional sprayers:
Before spraying,
the operator has to decide about the maximum dose he wants to apply and what
the optimal spray volume and concentration of the agent (herbicide) in the spray
tank should be. There are three ways to get an estimate of the
maximum dose
1. to scan the crop canopy before spaying and read the maximum dose from the
working screen,
2. to use scanning data and calculated dose obtained some days before potato
haulm killing (for instance scanning data obtained during the last fungicide ap-
plication against
Phytophthora infestans
3. to apply expert judgement.
Optimal spray volume
, use label information and expert judgement.
Calculation of optimal tank mix concentration:
Take 80 % of the recommended
maximum dose and divide this dose by the optimal spray volume. For example, if
the recommended maximum dose is 2 L agent per ha, and the optimal spray vol-
ume is 400 L per ha, the tank concentration is 80 % of 2 L/ha (equals 1.6 L per ha)
divided by 400 L water per ha. This equals 0.4 % 1.6 divided by 400). Under these
conditions, you can spray doses that vary from 1.2 – 2 L agent per ha.
For conventional sprayers the application rate is varied by changing the liquid
pressure. The N-Sensor communicates with the sprayer computer to set the de-
sired application rate and to read the actual (realised) application rate. A warning
will be given if the measured application rate differs more than
Warning Level
from the desired (calculated) application rate. On the work screen, the “rate warn-
ing” icon is displayed. To avoid too high or too low pressures during operation,
consider to increase or decrease driving speed when the actual pressure gets into
a sub-optimal range. Sub-optimal ranges are sprayer and nozzle specific. In gen-
eral, this means when spraying is done on more green parts of the field, the driving
speed could be reduced, and the driving speed could be increased on the less
green parts of the field.
Last revised: 28.01.2009 14:39
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