Yara N-Sensor V3.10
Operation Manual
3.3.3 Controller
Controller type:
Select the type of variable-rate controller that the N-Sensor is con-
nected with. Normally this setting must not be changed unless the N-Sensor is at-
tached to another controller.
Show as-applied rate:
When enabled, the as-applied rate from the application device
will be displayed on the work screen. This may be especially helpful for testing the
communication with the controller.
Unidirectional only:
Normally, this option should remain unchecked for all variable-
rate controllers. This will provide maximum information exchange between the N-
Sensor and the controller. However, when enabled the N-Sensor will send rates to
the controller regardless whether the controller receives them or not. The
No con-
nection to the variable-rate controller
alarm is suppressed. This can be helpful for
testing the connection.
Round to full:
All application rates will be rounded to full multiples of this number. Note
that this setting applies to the product rate, not the nitrogen rate. Normally the
standard setting of 1 must not be changed.
Limit amount:
When enabled, all application rates sent to the controller will be limited
to the
Absolute minimum
and the
Absolute maximum
rates given below.
Absolute minimum:
If the
Limit amount
option is enabled, the rates sent to the control-
ler will never be lower than this number. This includes the rate that is sent when
button is pressed on the work screen. This setting might be particularly
helpful if the spreader or sprayer is limited to a certain minimum rate. Note that the
unit of measure is in product rates, not in active ingredient rates.
Absolute maximum:
If the
Limit amount
option is enabled, the rates sent to the control-
ler will never be higher than this number. This setting might be particularly helpful if
the spreader or sprayer is limited to a certain maximum rate. Note that the unit of
measure is in product rates, not in active ingredient rates.
Last revised: 28.01.2009 14:39
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