Yara N-Sensor V3.10
Operation Manual
5.1 Base
Base application
operation mode can be used to apply various agents (not only ni-
trogen) from a prescription map. In this mode, the application rate is solely based on
the map; sensor readings are dismissed. However, sensor values are still acquired and
stored to the log file for later processing and visualisation.
5.1.1 Agronomic
To enter the agronomic calibration menu, press the
Agronomic Calibration.
button on
the main menu bar. Usually, this menu is entered at the beginning of the field after a
task has been selected.
Uniform rate:
The uniform rate is regarded as a standard rate that will be applied in
case the system cannot process a regular rate because of GPS failure or if the ve-
hicle is outside the prescription map. Therefore the uniform rate should be a rea-
sonable, good average for the field.
Agent content:
This number is used as conversion factor between agent rates and
product rates. All rates within the N-Sensor program are in agent units, but the ap-
plication device requires product rates.
The physical unit of the application rate, either kg/ha or l/ha. The setting does not
have any impact on the behaviour of the system; it is only displayed in the work
screen for convenience and it is logged for documentation purposes.
The type of active ingredient to be dispensed. This setting is stored with the log
file for documentation purposes, but does not affect the behaviour of the system at
Press the
button to close the
Agronomic calibration
menu and to return
to the work screen.
Last revised: 28.01.2009 14:39
Page 30 of 64