PM5D / PM5D-RH Quick Start Guide Part 1
If you’ve followed through the work
through you should now have;
1) Inputs named and patched
2) Phantom set
3) Outputs named and patched
4) Effects patched
5) Matrix named and patched
6) GEQ patched
7) User defi ned keys programmed
8) Assignable faders assigned
9) Monitor on fader if required
10) Stored all that as a starting scene
It’s the equivalent of having patched up effect, insert and
stage box racks and labeling up the desk.
Now is a another good time to store;
And now is a good time to SAVE to a card;
See part 2 of the guide.
Ready for soundcheck.
Load your card data into the console used for the show
and now do your fi rst soundcheck and show. Store scenes
as you go along. If you are unsure about when to store,
just do it often; you can always delete scenes later.
Part 2 of the guide gives further information on saving
and loading with PCMCIA cards and also how to edit
scenes and manage recall options.