PM5D / PM5D-RH Quick Start Guide Part 1
Cue system set up.
Understanding the cue/monitor relationship;
PM5D has a single stereo CUE bus that feeds into the console monitor system. In addition the monitor system is fed by
copies of the mixes, matrixes and masters and the signals from the 2track inputs. This means that one of these sources
can be listened to when no channel is cued; this is a common activity in broadcast use. The default setting is for the
monitor to be fed by master A and the cue to interrupt this when selected. Levels are controlled by the rotary knobs on
the work surface. For FOH mixing there is an optional monitor delay to time align the monitor signal to the PA.
Cue level on a fader;
The monitor volume is controlled by a rotary pot, but commonly stage monitor engineers want fader control. A direct
method by software routing will be implemented with the new firmware available summer, 2007 There is currently no
direct method for this. However it can be achieved indirectly.
1) In the OUTPUT INSERT PATCH page, patch MONITOR L and MONITOR R to a spare FX IN connection (INSERT
OUTPUT grid).
2) Then in the INSERT INPUT grid on the right side of the page, patch ST AL and ST AR to the same FX OUT
3) Switch on the INSERT for ST A, and check the INSERT POINT is PRE FADER (in the INSERT POINT page of
the OUTPUT PATCH menu). Also check the effect is in bypass!
4) Connect the wedge amp or in-ear pack to the STEREO A output connection, and use the fader to adjust the
listening level.
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