PM5D / PM5D-RH Quick Start Guide Part 1
Graphic equalizers, GEQ.
PM5D has 12 internal graphic equalizers. These are 31 band, 1/3 octave GEQ with a choice of cut / boost depths and a
spectrum analysis of what is passing through them. Control of the GEQ faders can be done using the screen, cursor and
wheel but much more usefully the DCA / assignable faders can be used.
Assigning the GEQ;
GEQ can be inserted in any input channel or output bus,
including the MONITOR bus. Make assignments from
Move the cursor over the data box and turn the [DATA]
encoder until the chosen MIX channel appears and press
the [ENTER] key. The MIX insert point is automatically
switched on, but the GEQ is still switched off. Turn on
the GEQ from this page if required. Link GEQs together
if mixes are stereo.
To operate the GEQ;
Access the GEQ PARAM page. You can use the cursor box and the [DATA] encoder, but to assign the GEQ to the DCA
/ assignable faders, move the cursor to the [ASSIGN TO FADERS] frequency buttons under the GEQ image and click.
Or use the short cut; press the [SHIFT] key and a FADER MODE bank button to assign the DCA faders direct to the
frequency group you selected.
The [AUTO ASSIGN] button;
Switch this on to automatically assign the DCA faders to
GEQ functions whenever the GEQ PARAM page is opened.