Setup Menus /
AN Expert Editor Setup
Bulk Dump Interval
Range: 600msec ... 1.5sec
This parameter is available when “User Voices” above is selected. Bulk Dump Interval
determines the amount of time (in clocks) that separates each data insertion/transmis-
sion. If the tone generator or card “chokes” on the incoming MIDI data, or host applica-
tion has trouble sending all the data properly, or some other trouble occurs, try setting
the Interval to a higher number.
• Insert Method (Plug-in Editor only)
Create a New Block
When this is selected, a new block (containing the inserted parameters) is created to a
track in host application.
Insert into a Block
When this is selected, the inserted parameters are put into an existing block in host
Range: 0 ... 230
This determines the amount of time (in clocks) that separates each insertion. If the
tone generator or card “chokes” on the incoming MIDI data, or host application has
trouble sending all the data properly, or the AN voice doesn’t seem to change as
expected, try setting the Interval to a higher number.
The interval value can be adjusted by using the left and right
. It can
also be entered directly by typing in the desired number from the
• OK
Click this to apply all the settings you’ve made in the three tabs.
• Cancel
Click this to return to the main AN Expert Editor window without changing any of the