Edit Menus /
AN Voice List
In the AN Voice List dialog box you can:
• Select a voice from the Preset 1, Preset 2, User voice banks for editing.
• Initialize a User voice to the default settings.
• Copy or swap voices in the User voice banks.
• “AN Voice List” can also be selected from the
or by clicking on the
• Preset 1, Preset 2, User Buttons
Click on one of these to select the desired voice bank: Preset 1, Preset 2, or User.
• Voice List Box
Select a voice by clicking on the desired voice name in the list.
Copying a voice to another voice location
1) Set Drag Mode to “Copy.”
2) Click the desired voice and drag it to the desired location. Keep in mind that this
replaces (and erases) the voice at the location.
Swapping the location of two voices
1) Set Drag Mode to “Swap.”
2) Click the desired voice and drag it to voice you wish to swap it with. This simply moves
the voice to the selected location; it does not affect the actual data.
Copy and Swap operations can also be executed from the
• Voice Init
Click this to initialize the selected voice to its
. This gives you a
“blank slate” from which to create a new voice.
AN Voice List