Voice Mode
MOTIF-RACK XS Owner’s Manual
Basic Structure
The Contr
ols &
Setting Up
Listening to
the Sound
Using a Computer
k Guide
Unit Multiply
Adjusts the Arpeggio playback time based on tempo. By using this parameter, you can create a
different Arpeggio type from the original one. For example, if you set a value of 200%, the playback
time will be doubled and the tempo halved. On the other hand, if you set a value of 50%, the
playback time will be halved and the tempo doubled. Normal playback time is 100%.
50%, 66%, 75%, 100%, 133%, 150%, 200%
Quantize Value
Determines to what beats the note data in the Arpeggio will be aligned, or to what beats in the
Arpeggio the swing is applied. The number shown at right of each value indicates the length
assumes that the quarter-note resolution is 480.
60 (32nd note),
80 (16th note triplet),
120 (16th note),
160 (8th note triplet),
240 (8th note),
320 (1/4 note triplet),
480 (1/4 note)
Quantize Strngth
(Quantize Strength)
Sets the “strength” by which note events are pulled toward the nearest quantize beats. A setting of
100% produces exact timing set via the “Quantize Value” parameter above. A setting of 0% results
in no quantization. A setting of 50% result that the note events are pulled to the half point between
the 0% and 100%.
0% – 100%
Delays notes on even-numbered beats (backbeats) to produce a swing feel. Settings above 1 delay
the Arpeggio notes, whereas settings below -1 advance them. A setting of 0 produces exact timing
set via the “Quantize Value.” resulting in no swing. Judicious use of this setting lets you create swing
rhythms and triplet feels, such as shuffle and bounce.
-120 – +120
When a triplet quantize value is used, the last note of each triplet will become the target for the swing.
Octave Range
Specifies the maximum Arpeggio range in octaves. Positive value settings increase the octave
range of the Arpeggio playback upward, whereas negative value settings increase it downward.
-3 – +0 – +3
Change Timing
Determines the actual timing at which the Arpeggio type is switched when you select another type
during Arpeggio playback. When set to “realtime,” the Arpeggio type is switched immediately. When
set to “measure,” the Arpeggio type is switched at the top of the next measure.
realtime, measure
Velocity Mode
Adjusts the velocity of the Arpeggio notes when receiving the Note On message.
original, thru
original............................... The Arpeggio plays back at the preset velocities included in the Arpeggio sequence data.
thru .................................... The Arpeggio plays back according to the velocity of the received Note On message.
Key Mode
Determines how the Arpeggio plays back when receiving Note On messages.
sort, thru, direct, sort+direct, thru+direct
sort .................................... When the MOTIF-RACK XS receives specific Note On messages (for example, the notes of a
chord), the same sequence plays, no matter what order it the Note On messages are received.
thru .................................... When the MOTIF-RACK XS receives Note On messages (for example, the notes of a chord), the
resulting sequence differs depending on the order of the Note On messages received.
direct ................................. Note events of the Arpeggio sequence do not play; only the received Note On messages are
heard. When the Arpeggio plays back, events such as Pan and Brightness are applied to the
sound of your tone generator performance. Use this setting when the Arpeggio types includes
non-note data or when the Category type “Ctrl” is selected.
sort+direct ......................... The Arpeggio is played back according to the “sort” setting here, and the received Note On
messages are also sounded.
thru+direct......................... The Arpeggio is played back according to the “thru” setting here, and the received Note On
messages are also sounded.
Some Arpeggio types belonging to the “Cntr” Category may not have note events (page 56). When such an
Arpeggio type is selected and the Key Mode is set to “sort” or “thru,” no sound is produced even if the MOTIF-
RACK XS receives Note On messages.
Note Limit Lo/Hi
Determines the lowest and highest notes in the Arpeggio’s note range. Notes received in this range
trigger the Arpeggio. If you specify the highest note first and the lowest note second, for example
“C5 to C4,” then the note range covered will be “C -2 to C4” and “C5 to G8.”
C -2 – G8
Velocity Limit Lo/Hi
Determines the lowest and highest velocity which can trigger the Arpeggio playback. Arpeggio will
only playback for notes received within its specified velocity range. If you specify the maximum
value first and the minimum value second, for example “93 to 34,” there will be a velocity “hole” and
the velocity range covered will be “1 to 34
and “93 to 127.
1 – 127
Octave Shift
Shifts the pitch of the Arpeggio up or down in octaves.
-10 – +10
When this is set to “on,” the Arpeggio cycles while notes are held. When this is set to “off,” the
Arpeggio plays only once even if notes are held.
off, on