4. Screens
MMP1 Operation Manual
GPI IN functions
Since priority is given to the input from the GPI [INPUT] connector over operation by MMP1 Editor and MMP1 Controller, the function which
set trigger as “High” or “Low” cannot be turned on and off by the MMP1 Editor and the MMP1 Controller. To operate the function by the
MMP1 Editor and MMP1 Controller, set the trigger to “On Edge” or “Off Edge.”
Cough Mute
Select a channel strip
Mutes audio from the channel strip mic.
Cough Mute Override
Select a channel strip
Disables the mic on/off operation by the mic user for
the channel strip selected.
CH Strip RTB
Select a channel strip
Mutes the input signal to the selected channel strip,
and sends it only to the RTB bus.
Scene Recall
Select the Scene number
Recalls the selected Scene.
Snapshot Recall
Select a Snapshot number
Recalls the selected Snapshot.
Talkback Destination
Select a Talkback interrupt destination
Turns the selected Talkback on.
Main Monitor Mute
Mutes Main Monitor output.
Main Monitor Dim
Turns the Main Monitor output dimmer on.
Cue Mute
Select the Cue output number
Mutes the selected Cue output.
Studio Speaker Mute
Select the studio speaker output number
Mutes the selected studio speaker output.
Generic Function
Select the GPI Out Function number
Turns the GPI Out Function specified by Parameter
on. The Generic Function is not itself a specific
function. Rather, it is intended to be used to change
GPI Out output based on whether this function is
turned on or off.
Monitor Source Select
Select the Monitor Source number
Select the Monitor Source.
All Mute Mode
Turns the All Mute function on.