Parameters /
DX200 Editor Main Window
Range: 1 ... 32
This determines the algorithm used for the pattern. The algorithm determines how the
operators are configured for the pattern. The FM synthesis system of the DX200 has 32
of these configurations, called "algorithms." (Refer to the
This section displays the signal path, showing which operators are "carriers" and which
are "modulators." The carriers are in the bottom row of the algorithm and are the actual
sound producers for the pattern. Modulators are stacked above the carriers and alter the
timbre or tonal quality of the carriers. A modulator stacked on top of another modulator
alters the timbre even further. Simply put, the carriers produce the sound, and the mod-
ulators change the character of the sound.
• Changing the algorithm may result in drastic changes to the pattern, and could produce unex-
pectedly loud and noisy sounds.
Range: 0 ... 7
This determines the level of feedback. Each algorithm provides a feedback operator, in
which the output signal of the operator is looped back to its input. As its name implies,
Feedback produces harsh noise-like harmonics in the pattern. The degree of harshness
or amount of noise depends not only on this setting, but also on the level of the feedback
operator and its position in the algorithm.
Free EG button
Step Sequencer button
Filter Parameters
The Filter parameters are a special addition to the DX200, not found on the original DX-
series synthesizers. The Filter lets you control the tone in various ways, using the same
filter types, functions and parameters as found on analog synthesizers.
The DX200 also features a Filter EG, letting you control the filter operation over time.