Parameters /
DX200 Editor Main Window
Filter EG Parameters
The Filter EG parameters determine how the timbre of the pattern changes over
time. This lets you produce subtle or pronounced filter effects (such as wah, for
You can also conveniently edit the Filter EG parameters from the EG window. To
make changes to this, click on the down arrow above the EG window, and select
the Filter EG. Then, click on one of the box "joints" and drag it to change the EG
settings. The current relevant Filter EG values appear at the cursor as you drag it.
• Filter EG Attack Time
Range: 0 ... 127
This determines the attack time of the Filter EG, which is the time it takes for the signal to
reach its maximum cutoff frequency level after a key is pressed (key on). Higher values
produce a longer Attack time. (See illustration below.)
• Filter EG Decay Time
Range: 0 ... 127
This determines the decay time of the Filter EG, which is the time it takes for the signal to
reach its sustain level from the maximum level while a key is held. Higher values produce
a longer Decay time. (See illustration below.)
• Filter EG Sustain Level
Range: 0 ... 127
This determines the level of sustain of the Filter EG, which is the fixed level of the cutoff
frequency maintained as long as the key is held. Higher values increase the Sustain
level. (See illustration below.)
• Filter EG Release Time
Range: 0 ... 127
This determines the release time of the Filter EG, which is the time it takes for the filter to
reach its initial level after a key is released (key off). Higher values increase the Release
time. (See illustration below.)