Manual Ozone Generating System SMOevo
Rev. 1.0
Page 24 of 91
3.7.2 Precautions
Ensure that rooms housing ozone systems are equipped with a
technical ventilation system guaranteeing an air exchange of at
least three times per hour. An extraction type ventilation system
must be available with the intake opening located directly above
the floor. The ventilation system must turn on automatically when a
gas detector responds to the potential danger.
Ambient Air
Minor leaks can result in an ozone concentration in the surrounding
area of the system which is life threatening to people. Therefore, it
is vital to ensure that ozone gas detectors (ambient air sensors) are
installed in this area.
Ensure that all parts coming in contact with ozone are free of oil
and grease.
Change clothes immediately that have been in contact with ozone
or are soiled with grease or oil.
Only enter rooms in which ozone is accumulating or can be
expected to accumulate, wearing a breathing protective device, to
rescue an injured person or to avert acute danger. Store breathing
protective devices only outside of rooms in which ozone systems
are operated. An ozone-proof full mask with an effective filter may
be used as a breathing protection device. Due to the fact that
masks are intended for individual persons, ensure that a mask
identified by the person's name is provided for each person
operating the ozone system.
Ozone supplying pipelines must be marked by appropriate coat of
paint, inscriptions or labels.
Residual Ozone
Prior to opening the ozone system with gas containing ozone,
purge it until no more ozone can be detected,
however at least 30
Ensure that off-gas containing ozone is extracted to the
atmosphere via an effective residual ozone destruction system.
Ensure that the ozone system is serviced by qualified personnel