SonTek, a Xylem brand
RiverSurveyor S5/M9 System Manual (February 2013)
Pre-Deployment Template
1. Ability to create station template from start page
2. Ability to save station template from start page
3. Ability to save station template from already collected data file
4. Ability to retrieve station template and use it for data collection
Additional Features
1. New layout of plots in transect tab
2. Added time series tab
3. Added ability to input transducer depth below ice for each station
4. Re-organized station dialog to help the application flow for ice measurement
5. Ability to access station dialog from contour plot
6. Added %Q time series graph in transect tab with % as text
7. Added water temperature (Independent) to the quality settings dialog
8. Added instrument alignment parameter to help the user to align the M9/S5 properly un-
der ice
9. Added functionality to open/save site information
10. Increased number of characters to 250 for comments in Site information.
RiverSurveyor Live v3.60
1. Increased significant figures (3) for section area, mean velocity, mean gauge height (user
input) and discharge, Included in the Discharge Summary Report.
2. Added maximum speed and maximum depth to Discharge Summary Report and ASCII out-
put (.dis). It is the maximum for the set of open transects.
3. Support of new Hemisphere GPS firmware. There are now 5 GGA Quality Indicators in-
stead of 4.
RiverSurveyor Stationary Live v2.60
1. Updated the exported ASCII *.vel file with the normalized velocity rather than the measured