August 2020 – TD 316 OPERATING MANUAL – Motus Wave Sensor 5729
Page 35
Configuration via Aanderaa data logger
The Motus Wave Sensor 5729 can easily be installed on a buoy using the Aanderaa SmartGuard to configure and
collect data. The Motus Wave Sensor need to be in AiCaP mode before it is connected to the SmartGuard.
Installation of the Sensor to SmartGuard
This chapter only describes the software and configuration of sensor. For more information about the SmartGuard refer
to TD 293 Operating manual for SmartGuard.
Starting up with Real-Time collector
onnect the Motus Wave sensor to your SmartGuard using the cable shown in
chapter 10.3
. Connect the
SmartGuard to your PC’s USB port using a USB Cable.
If the logger is connected via a RS-232 real-time connection or via the LAN connection all configuration may
also be done using this connection instead of the USB.
Install and start the AADI Real-Time Collector software on your PC (provided on the memory stick delivered
with the instrument). For more information about the AADI Real-Time Collector, refer TD 268 AADI Real-Time
Collector Operating Manual
Switch on the instrument by turning the power button to
The startup procedure will take approximately 60
Please note that the SmartGuard needs a power reset after connection to find the sensor.
When using a USB connection, you also need to install Windows Mobile Device Center (Windows Vista, and
Microsoft Windows 7) if not already installed on your computer. It can be downloaded from Microsoft website.
Windows Mobile Device Center acts as device management and data synchronization between a Windows Mobile-
based device and a computer.
If using windows 10 please see
chapter 10.2
Once the USB connection has been established, Windows Mobile Device Center will start automatically:
For other operating system please refer to user manual or contact
Figure 3-1: Windows Mobile Device Center