2. Check if the target is detected. Make a note of the
(50771B2161A9AA) and the
(2 for Zynq Ult MPSoC and 4 for Zynq Ult RFSoC). These values
are used to program the image in the following steps.
xsjtelcoaccel3:/etc/udev/rules.d $ program_flash -jtagtargets
****** Xilinx Program Flash
****** Program Flash v2019.1 (64-bit)
**** SW Build 2552052 on Fri May 24 14:47:09 MDT 2019
** Copyright 1986-2019 Xilinx, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
WARNING: Failed to connect to hw_server at TCP:localhost:3121
Attempting to launch hw_server at TCP:localhost:3121
Connected to hw_server @ TCP:localhost:3121
Available targets and devices:
JTAG chain configuration
1 Xilinx 50771B2161A9AA
2 jsn-Alveo-DMBv2 FT4232H-50771B2161A9AA-14758093-0 (name xczu19 idcode
3 jsn-Alveo-DMBv2 FT4232H-50771B2161A9AA-5ba00477-0 (name arm_dap idcode
4 jsn-Alveo-DMBv2 FT4232H-50771B2161A9AA-147e1093-0 (name xczu21dr
idcode 147e1093)
5 jsn-Alveo-DMBv2 FT4232H-50771B2161A9AA-5ba00477-1 (name arm_dap idcode
3. Program the image. See the following code snippets for example commands.
Note: The
highlighted below is 50771B2161A9AA. The
is 2 for
Zynq Ult MPSoC and 4 for Zynq Ult RFSoC.
For Zynq Ult MPSoC:
xsjtelcoaccel3: $ program_flash -f <boot MP image>.bin -offset 0 -
flash_type qspi-x8-dual_parallel -fsbl <mpsoc_fsbl>.elf -cable type
xilinx_tcf url TCP: esn 50771B2161A9AA/ -debugdevice
deviceNr 2
Flash Operation Successful
For Zynq Ult RFSoC:
xsjtelcoaccel3: $ program_flash -f <boot RF image>.bin -offset 0 -
flash_type qspi-x8-dual_parallel -fsbl <rfsoc_fsbl>.elf -cable type
xilinx_tcf url TCP: esn 50771B2161A9AA/ -debugdevice
deviceNr 4
Flash Operation Successful
Appendix A: Programming the Devices Using JTAG
UG1495 (v1.0) December 17, 2021
T1 Telco Accelerator Card User Guide