7 Series FPGAs SelectIO Resources User Guide
UG471 (v1.10) May 8, 2018
ILOGIC Resources
The ILOGIC block registers have a common synchronous or asynchronous set and reset
(SR signal). The set/reset input pin, SR forces the storage element into the state specified
by the SRVAL attributes. The reset condition predominates over the set condition.
The SRVAL attributes can be set individually for each storage element in the ILOGIC block,
but the choice of synchronous or asynchronous set/reset (SRTYPE) can not be set
individually for each storage element in the ILOGIC block.
The following sections discuss the various resources within the ILOGIC blocks.
Combinatorial Input Path
The combinatorial input path is used to create a direct connection from the input driver to
the FPGA logic. This path is used by software automatically when:
There is a direct (unregistered) connection from input data to logic resources in the
FPGA logic.
pack I/O register/latches into IOBs
software map directive is set to OFF.
Input DDR Overview (IDDR)
7 series devices have dedicated registers in the ILOGIC blocks to implement input
double-data-rate (DDR) registers. This feature is used by instantiating the IDDR primitive.
All clocks feeding into the I/O tile are fully multiplexed, i.e., there is no clock sharing
between ILOGIC and OLOGIC blocks. The IDDR primitive supports the following modes
of operation:
The SAME_EDGE and SAME_EDGE_PIPELINED modes are the same as for the Virtex-6
architecture. These modes allow designers to transfer falling edge data to the rising edge
domain within the ILOGIC block, saving CLB and clock resources, and increasing
performance. These modes are implemented using the DDR_CLK_EDGE attribute. The
following sections describe each of the modes in detail.
A traditional input DDR solution, or OPPOSITE_EDGE mode, is accomplished via a single
input in the ILOGIC block. The data is presented to the FPGA logic via the output Q1 on
the rising edge of the clock and via the output Q2 on the falling edge of the clock. This
structure is similar to the Virtex-6 FPGA implementation.
diagram of the input DDR using the OPPOSITE_EDGE mode.