Phaser 4600/4620 Printer Service Manual
Principles of Operation
Revision - Xerox Internal Use Only
This sensor detects the entry of media into the mailbox from the IOT exit. The Mailbox
activates the IOT exit gate when the print job specifies output to the mailbox.
Stack (Bin) Full Sensors
These sensors detect when the amount of media in each output tray reaches the maxi-
mum of 100 sheets.
Tray Empty Sensor
These sensors detect when each output tray is empty or when media is jammed at the
Rear Door Interlock Switch
Located under the top cover, this microswitch monitors the Mailbox rear door position.
When the rear door is opened, power to the drive assemblies is cut off and the firmware
enters a reinitiation state.
Figure 2 Mailbox component locator
Mailbox Drive and Electrical
The Mailbox uses these components to drive media transport and activate the IOT exit gate
and diverters that route media into and out of the Mailbox.
Transport Motor,
Figure 3
This motor, using a series of 4 belts, drives the transport rollers that move media through
the Mailbox and to the output trays.
Figure 3 Mailbox Transport Motor
Diverter Drive Assemblies,
Figure 4
The Upper and Lower Diverter Drive Assemblies drive the diverters used to direct the
media into the Mailbox and appropriate output tray.