5.2 Setting the Common Menus
[Print ID]
[Default Paper Size]
[Size Conflict]
Printer Settings
Print ID
Setting Item
Print ID
Prints a user ID on the specified location.
• [Off] (default)
Does not print a user ID.
• [Top Left]
Prints a user ID on the top left corner of paper.
• [Top Right]
Prints a user ID on the top right corner of paper.
• [Bottom Left]
Prints a user ID on the bottom left corner of paper.
• [Bottom Right]
Prints a user ID on the bottom right corner of paper.
Printer Settings
Setting Item
Paper Size
Sets the default of [Paper Size] for the PDF print mode.
• [A4] (default)
• [8.5 x 11]
Printer Settings
Size Conflict
Setting Item
Size Conflict
Sets the action to be taken if the specified output size does not match the size
of the paper loaded in the requested paper tray.
• [Force Print] (default)
Force-prints a job using the requested paper tray.
• [Check Paper Size]
Prompts you to load paper of the size you specified.