08. After connecting to the ACS2 Module Wi-Fi, Some Smart Device (Mobile / Tablet) may prompt
a Notification to stay connected to a Wi-Fi Network without internet connection. Please select
“Keep Wi-Fi connection”.
09. Return to the APP, and Tap on “I’m Connected” to access Equipment Network Settings”.
10. Enter the LNT Wi-Fi Network Name &
Password for the LNT (Local Network
Terminal), then save the settings via
Default LNT Wi-Fi Network:
Default LNT Password:
Check & ensure the entered LNT Network Name & Password is Correct, otherwise user will not be able
to add the device.
The device binding of ACS2G may take a few
seconds, the Terminal Status Indicator on the
ACS2G Remote Controller will become solid Green
when the binding is successful.
Else, the Device binding is unsuccessful, and the
user will need to restart the binding process.