Abide Local Laws and Regulations
You must not fly your drone
higher than 120 metres (400
feet) above ground level.
You must keep your drone at
least 30 metres away from
other people.
Remember, you must not op-
erate your drone in a way that
creates a hazard to another
aircraft, person or property.
You must keep your drone
within visual line-of-sight. This
means always being able to
see the drone with your own
eyes (rather than through
a device, screen or goggles).
You must not fly over or above
people or in a populous area.
This could include beaches,
parks, events, or sport ovals
where there is a game in
Respect personal privacy.
Don’t record or photograph
people without their consent
— this may breach other laws.
You must not fly your drone over
or near an area affecting public
safety or where emergency
operations are underway.
This could include situations
such as a car crash, police
operations, a fire or firefighting
efforts or search and rescue.
If you’re near a helicopter
landing site or smaller
aerodrome without a control
tower, you can fly your drone
within 5.5 kilometres. If you
become aware of manned
aircraft nearby, you will have
to manoeuvre away and
land your drone as quickly
and safely as possible.
If your drone weighs more
than 250 grams, you must fly
at least 5.5 kilometres away
from a controlled airport,
which generally have a control
tower at them.
Visit -
- for a safe and responsible flight