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You can set speed dial function by Memory Key mode.
For example, you need set speed dial 8000 via sip 1.
Select memory key in F4’s function key type, then fill 8000@1/f in the corresponding right
You can set shortcut key of pbook, redial, DND, MWI, call forward, or callers by
Event mode in function key type.
Select key event in function key type, then fill F_PBOOK, F_REDIAL, F_DND, F_MWI,
F_CFWD,or F_CALLERS in the corresponding right table.
For example:
4.3.5. Maintenance Auto Provision
Auto Provision
Field name
Current Config Version
Show the current config file’s version.
Server Address
Set FTP/TFTP/HTTP server IP address for auto update. The address
can be IP address or Domain name with subdirectory.
Set FTP server Username. System will use anonymous if username
keep blank.
Set FTP server Password.
Config File Name
Set configuration file’s name which need to update. System will use
MAC as config file name if config file name keep blank. For
example, 000102030405.
Config Encrypt Key
Input the Encrypt Key, if the configuration file is encrypted.