User manual Proteus-II
5. Functional description
5.1. Operation modes
The Proteus-II module acts as a slave and can be fully controlled by an external host. The
Proteus-II supports the following operating modes:
• The
command mode
, where the Proteus-II can be controlled by the host controller via
commands. The command mode allows to use all central and peripheral function of the
radio module. The functions of the radio module, like data transmission or configura-
tion tasks, can be triggered by predefined commands (see chapter
) that are sent as
telegrams over the UART interface.
• The
peripheral only mode
(see chapter
) provides a transparent UART interface and
supports only the peripheral functions of the radio module. Data transmission can be
done by the host without using any commands.
5.2. Radio module states
The Proteus-II can operate in different states. Depending on the active state several com-
mands of the command interface (see chapter
) are permitted to modify the state, configure
the module or transmit data over the radio interface. An overview of the different states and the
corresponding allowed commands can be found in Figure
When the Proteus-II is powered up, it starts in
state. In this state the module
advertises (Bluetooth
LE role "peripheral"), such that other devices in range (Bluetooth
role "central" or "observer") can detect it and connect to it. If no connection was setup after
seconds, the module goes to
state which will stop ad-
state also allows to switch to
state, where the module stops
advertising and scans for other advertising modules in range (Bluetooth
LE role "central").
When leaving the
state with the corresponding command, the module is in
state and starts advertising again.
state can be entered either by getting a connection request from an-
other module (Bluetooth
LE role "peripheral") or by setting up a connection itself (Bluetooth
role "central"). In this case it stops advertising and data can be transmitted and received to/from
the connected module. This state remains active as long as the module does not disconnect
itself (e.g. due to a timeout), no disconnection request from the connected device is received.
When disconnecting, the module goes to
state and starts advertising again.
Order code 2608011x24010
Version 1.11 , July 2022