User manual Proteus-II
13. Firmware update
The Proteus-II offers two possibilities of updating its firmware.
13.1. Firmware flashing using the SWD interface
The SWD is a production interface and performing an update it will erase any pre-installed
firmware and calibration values of the Proteus-II.
Any certification, declaration and qualification that has requirements in a com-
bination of hard- and firmware is invalidated by this action.
13.2. Firmware update using the Proteus-II OTA bootloader
This method offers a possibility to update the firmware over the air (OTA). Therefore, the Nordic
nRF52 Bluetooth
LE DFU Secure Bootloader is integrated into the Proteus-II’s firmware, which
will communicate over the Bluetooth
LE interface. The OTA bootloader mode is a distinct op-
erating mode besides the normal operating modes mentioned before. For this reason, a .zip-file
can be provided, which contains all (bootloader, Softdevice, application) parts of the firmware
in an encrypted and authenticated package.
Before starting any update procedure, please check whether the installed firmware can be
updated to a new one:
Version of the
firmware before the
Version of the new
Nordic nRF Toolbox 2.2.1 or newer
Table 53: Compatibility matrix
To start the bootloader, one of the following two conditions has to be satisfied:
1. Send the command
to the module to restart in bootloader. mode
2. During a reset and while restarting, a low signal has to be present on the
pin of the
module to start it in bootloader mode. To do this on the Proteus-II evaluation board, put a
jumper on JP3(1,2) and JP2(1,2) to apply GND to the
before resetting the module
via pressing the
The bootloader mode has started successfully if
has turned on. After the bootloader
has started successfully, the module goes into the advertising mode using the name "DFUxxx".
Order code 2608011x24010
Version 1.11 , July 2022