User manual Proteus-II
After reflow soldering, visually inspect the board to confirm proper alignment
17.2.2. Cleaning
Do not clean the product. Any residue cannot be easily removed by washing. Use a "no clean"
soldering paste and do not clean the board after soldering.
• Do not clean the product with water. Capillary effects can draw water into the gap between
the host PCB and the module, absorbing water underneath it. If water is trapped inside, it
may short-circuit adjoining pads. The water may also destroy the label and ink-jet printed
text on it.
• Cleaning processes using alcohol or other organic solvents may draw solder flux residues
into the housing, which won’t be detected in a post-wash inspection. The solvent may also
destroy the label and ink-jet printed text on it.
• Do not use ultrasonic cleaning as it will permanently damage the part, particularly the
crystal oscillators.
17.2.3. Potting and coating
• If the product is potted in the customer application, the potting material might shrink or
expand during and after hardening. Shrinking could lead to an incomplete seal, allowing
contaminants into the component. Expansion could damage components. We recom-
mend a manual inspection after potting to avoid these effects.
• Conformal coating or potting results in loss of warranty.
• The RF shield will not protect the part from low-viscosity coatings and potting. An unde-
fined amount of coating and potting will enter inside the shielding.
• Conformal coating and potting will influence the parts of the radio front end and conse-
quently influence the radio performance.
• Potting will influence the temperature behaviour of the device. This might be critical for
components with high power.
17.2.4. Other notations
• Do not attempt to improve the grounding by forming metal strips directly to the EMI covers
or soldering on ground cables, as it may damage the part and will void the warranty.
• Always solder every pad to the host PCB even if some are unused, to improve the me-
chanical strength of the module.
• The part is sensitive to ultrasonic waves, as such do not use ultrasonic cleaning, welding
or other processing. Any ultrasonic processing will void the warranty.
Order code 2608011x24010
Version 1.11 , July 2022