© Wieländer+Schill
3.2 Connecting C-arm
1. Press the safety button at the locking mecha-
2. Turn clockwise the locking lever while pressing
the safety button.
3. To make it easier to slide the C-frame onto the
, use Molycote Dx paste (50g)
Item no. 700144.
4. Locate the C-Arm in the centre of the intake of
. The index pin must engage in the cor-
responding slot.
Push the C-arm onto the intake of the
5. Close the locking lever clockwise to close
6. The C-arm is correctly mounted when the safety
button jumps out completely and a green mark is
visible. This action is accompanied by an audible
The mounting hole of the C-arm must be free from contamination and damage.
The locking mechanism must engage smoothly. It should not be possible to move
the locking lever once the mechanism is engaged.
Damaged or defective components can cause physically injuries and must not
be used under any circumstances!
Abb. 3.2.a
Abb. 3.2.b
Abb. 3.2.c
Abb. 3.2.d
Abb. 3.2.e
Abb. 3.2.f