Instruction Manual
K SERIES Cryostorage System
IM: CryoCeK
Revision: 02
Approved by: CB
Installation as well as all associated inspections should only be performed
by qualified persons:
These persons are qualified due to their special education and their practical
experiences, in particular with regard to the relevant legislation and standards, to
recognize the potential impact and hazards and to assess the necessary measures.
Simultaneous Filling
Where two or more K SERIES Cryostorage Systems are connected to the same liquid nitrogen
supply, economies in the use of nitrogen may be realised by synchronising the filling of the
This reduces the number of fill cycles required and hence the losses due to nitrogen being trapped in
the common supply pipework and vented at the end of a fill cycle.
To use this feature connect the FILL terminals of the M507CEs using 2 core cable, ensuring that +
is connected to + and - to - , as shown in
Whenever a refrigerator in the connected group starts to fill a signal is sent to all the others.
This causes them to start a fill cycle if they are not already full.
Up to 20 refrigerators may be connected together in this way.
Make sure however that the supply pressure is adequate to complete filling in a reasonable time.
If not, a supply alarm may be generated by one or more of the controllers.
For large installations it may be better to connect the refrigerators in two or more groups.
The best groupings will depend upon pipework layout.
ively, ‘Delayed Sim Fill’ may be used to cause the refrigerators to fill in sequence.
Sequential Filling
If the liquid nitrogen supply pressure is insufficient to fill several refrigerators at once it may not be
possible to perform Simultaneous Filling.
Sequential Filling may be used to overcome this problem.
This feature minimises the number of times the pipework is filled with LN2 by filling the refrigerators
one after another in sequence.
This should give savings in the use of LN2 similar to those achievable with simultaneous filling.