Choosing an Interface
If you are a Windows user with Window 98, 2000, ME, XP, or later, we
suggest that you use the high speed USB interface, which offers the
following advantages: (the first time you plug in your USB cable, you may
be asked to choose the type of USB interface you wish to use)
1) Forty times faster data uploads than serial data uploads.
2) The ability to update your firmware with all the improvements
available on the Website over the years or your TriCoder’s life at
speeds 40 times faster than serial, (its not even possible with the
keyboard wedge).
3) The ability to download tables, upload/download programs from
your PC at much faster speeds than serial, (not possible with
keyboard wedge interfaces). All communication is controlled by
the new TriCoder Utilities - you can even change your setup!
4) The ability to operate in Non-Portable Mode as a USB keyboard
without having to add a jumper block to a Y-Cable when the
TriCoder is removed from the Y-cable for portable data collection
5) The ability to use the
Virtual TriCoder
program for developing
custom programs on the TriCoder in a Windows environment.
If you are a Macintosh user, you should specify the Mac USB Keyboard.