VISIBLE CAMERA submenu consists of following items:
GAMMA - cycles between STANDARD, STRAIGHT, NARROW and WIDE. This changes the gamma curve used
for mapping and compression of the values observed by the camera.
WHITE BALANCE - cycles between WIDE, NARROW, INDOOR, OUTDOOR. WIDE and NARROW are automa c
modes which cover color temperature range from about 10000K to 2200K and about 7000K to 2500K
respec vely. INDOOR and OUTDOOR are fixed color temperature balance modes for about 3200K and
5800K respec vely.
WIDE DYNAMIC RANGE MODE - toggles ON and OFF. Wide dynamic range cleverly maps the observed
brightness levels through the image to bring more contrast out of areas that’re in shadow or uneven light,
providing a clearer, more informa ve image in high contrast scenes.
BACKLIGHT COMPENSATION - toggles ON and OFF. Backlight compensa on a empts to ingore small, very
bright areas of the scene when determining the correct exposure se ngs which may allow intensely backlit
objects s ll remain well visible in the resul ng image.
NOISE REDUCTION 2D - sets one of 5 available levels of spa al noise reduc on or turns it off. Spa al
noise reduc on looks at each frame individually and a empts to decrease noise by comparing values of
neighboring pixels. Higher 2D noise reduc on se ngs might lead to loss of detail in the image.
NOISE REDUCTION 3D - sets one of 5 available levels of temporal noise reduc on or turns it off. Tempo-
ral noise reduc on looks at series of frames and a empts to decrease noise by comparing current pixel
value with the past ones. Higher 3D noise reduc on se ngs might introduce a erimage or ”ghos ng”
phenomena in the image.
COLOR GAIN - sets the level of color gain from 60% to 200%. Color gain can decrase or increase the level
of color satura on of the image.
mode controls all of the parameters of SHUTTER, IRIS and GAIN automa cally and a empts to provide
the best possible image on basis of heuris cs. SHUTTER PRIORITY and IRIS PRIORITY modes allow user to
set one of these parameters manually and allow the other two to be determined automa cally. MANUAL
mode allows the user to set all three parameters manually.
SHUTTER - sets the shu er dura on between 1 second and and 1/10000th of a second. High shu er
dura ons increase the amount of available light, helping to decrease the amount of noise, at the cost of
blurring objects captured in mo on. Set the shu er dura on to 1/100 or 1/120 to eliminate flicker from
ar ficial ligh ng in countries with 50Hz and 60Hz power grid frequencies respec vely.
IRIS - sets the iris (aperture) value between F2.4 and F22. Allows the user to set the physical iris size
manually. The iris se ng changes the camera’s depth of field; small aperture (High F/ value) means higher
depth of field - broader envelope within which observed scenery remains rela vely sharp. Level of the
iris se ng also influences the total amount of light available in the camera, which can be detrimental to
amount of noise in the image.
GAIN - sets the gain correc on value between 0dB and 34dB. High values of gain can increase brightness
of image at cost of amplifying digital noise.
EXPOSURE COMPENSATION - sets the brightnes adjustment within any of the automa c or semi automa c
exposure modes with level from -6 to +6 or turns it off. Exposure compensa on allows the user to choose
the desired brightness level which the automa c or semiautoma c EXPOSURE MODE se ngs will adjust
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U Albrechtova vrchu 12
155 00, Prague 13
Czech Republic
Revision 1.2.0 EN, 28
May, 2020
All pictures are only for illustra on.
Real values may vary.