Figure 14.3 – Func ons se ngs
LEVEL OF ACCEPTION - set the level of change of black body measured temperature which is accepted
as valid to recalibrate (any higher change indicates as if something is obstruc ng the view of the black
body). Can be set between 0°C (calibra on completely shut down) and 3°C (at this se ng, any value will
be accepted). The recommended value is 1°C.
SET BLACK BODY ROI - closes the menu and allows moving and se ng the Black Body ROI using arrow
keys (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT) or numeric keys (8, 2, 4, 6) on the numeric keyboard. The posi on of the
BLACK BODY ROI should be within the black body on the scene. To confirm the posi on, press ENTER key.
To cancel the posi on se ng, press BACKSPACE key. A er the posi on se ng is complete, the menu will
automa cally reappear.
SET BLACK BODY RADIUS - sets the radius of the black body ROI on the picture. There are 4 size op ons
(3px, 5px, 8px, 13px). It is necessary, that the black body ROI is within the black body on the scene. The
temperature of the black body is measured within this ROI.
SET BLACK BODY MASK SIZE - sets the size of the black body mask on the picture. The mask is always
around the black body ROI. The temperature of the black body is measured only inside of the black body
ROI and not measured in the mask area. The mask should cover the area around the black body.
: To ensure proper func on of the MEDICAS, the black body ROI must be placed over the black
body radia on source in the thermal image. To do so, select SET BLACK BODY ROI and then use keyboard
arrows or numeric control to set the ROI square over the black body. Confirm new pos on by pressing
Enter, or return to previously set posi on by pressing BACKSPACE. Make sure to set correct black body
size and the mask size.
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Revision 1.2.0 EN, 28
May, 2020
All pictures are only for illustra on.
Real values may vary.