Body temperature
is regulated by the hypothalamus that con nuously adjusts temperature to stay within a set
range of normal in the absence of illness. Fever is defined as a temperature above an individual’s normal range.
occurs from an infec on or inflamma on or can also be caused by noninfec ous illnesses such as stroke,
blood clots, or gout a acks. Different sites equal different temperatures:
Rectal temperature is typically higher than Core
Core is typically higher than Oral
Oral is typically higher than Axillary
Figure 6.1 – Normal body temperature is a range. This table shows that normal temperatures vary by site. There-
fore, readings from different sites, even if taken at the same me, should not be directly compared.
6.6 CBT vs SST measurement mode of the MEDICAS
MEDICAS Thermal camera contains two modes, SST and CBT measuring mode.
SST or Skin Surface Temperature is the temperature measured on the surface of the human body.
CBT or Core Body Temperature is a mode of the camera that es mates the core temperature of the measured
human body. The camera computes internally the CBT based on the non-linear es ma on that originated from
the sta s cal average of mul ple measurements.
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Revision 1.2.0 EN, 28
May, 2020
All pictures are only for illustra on.
Real values may vary.