Segmented Mortise and Tenon Templates
Three steps to selecting any of 154 sizes of round-end M&T
plus another 77 sizes of square-end tenons.
1. Select the M&T thickness (mortise bit diameter)
2. Choose the desired width or length
3. Find the combination of end pieces and segments
The two end pieces marked
with the circle make a 1”
M&T at 3/8” thick.
The two end pieces marked
with the triangle make a 1-1/4”
M&T at 3/8” thick.
(Symbols highlighted for clarity)
After selecting the size, find center of your combi-
nation of segments and use one of the non-tapered
guide bearing shafts to center the template array on
the template holder. This works for either the round
end or square end templates.