Trace the outside of the template for tenons.
You might
be able to use the same bit for tenons as you used for mor-
tising. Check the chart later in this guide to find the best
combination. Also, push the guide bearing to the back
edge of the template for your first tenon attempt.
The template is thicker toward the back so the tenon cut
using that position will be thicker as well, usually too
thick for the mortise, but it’s the best place to start.
Note: While some M&T sizes have several possible com-
binations, it’s best to use the largest bit and bearing com-
bination listed on the chart for the desired tenon thick-
ness. The 1/2” bit works for every tenon size and since it
make good, clean cuts, it’s our recommendation.
Tenons second
Reset the depth stop.
Touch the end of the workpiece
with the bit then set the depth stop as before but the
tenon must be slightly shorter than the mortise is deep.
Safety check.
Check that you’ve extended the
workpiece far enough so the bit will clear the table
at its full cutting depth.
Tenoning is just as fast and foolproof.
Use climb cuts for a clean shoulder, working your way deeper and farther
down the tenon as you go, until the bearing is riding the template and the depth stop is bottomed out.