Slot Mortise Template
The Slot Mortise Template is fast and easy to set up for either inch or
metric sizes. Simply align the bit size with the desired width to cut a perfect mortise. The template can also be
used for bridle joints and many other uses where a wide, side-to-side movement is desirable.
Example: To cut a
” thick mortise 1
” wide, align the mark for bit diameter (
”) engraved on both left and
right sliding stops with the desired mortise width (1
”) on both sides of the centerline on the template holder
(marked by the triangle).
Metric sizes like this 8mm x 22mm mortise
are set up the same way on the metric side of
the template holder.
Each template set includes two long bars
and two pairs of sliding stops.The half-circle
cutout on the inside edge of each sliding stop
accepts exactly half of the guide bearing, al-
lowing the quick, accurate, math-free setups
illustrated throughout this guide.