software versions contained in the flash drive into the AMP1-8-M. The
next screen to appear will describe what to expect in the installation
Alternatively, you can press the Replace Software Unconditionally
button to install the software contained in the flash drive into the
AMP1-8-M, even if it the same version already is installed and even if
the flash drive version is a lower version than what is already installed.
The next screen to appear will describe what to expect in the
installation process.
After you have selected a software installation option, the system will display
the Software Update screen shown in Figure A-5 below.
Figure A–5: Flash Drive Software Update Screen
Pressing Start the Update button will start the installation process, which
will automatically continue until its conclusion. Instructions are provided on
this screen to explain the process.
Alternatively, you may press the Cancel/Quit button to return to the Flash
Drive Software Update menu and not perform the software update.
When the software is finished installing, the AMP1-8-M will restart and the
Main Screen will display the message in Figure A-6 below.
Figure A-6: Flash Drive Software Update Complete Screen
This concludes the USB firmware update procedure.