Select and Detect Options Menu
This Select and Detect Options menu allows adjustment of how channel
selections affect the muting or summing of other channels, how to handle Dolby
detection, and how to adjust audio delay in conjunction with other monitoring
equipment for issues of lip-syncing.
Figure 3–4: Select and Detect Options Menu
No Channels Selected: This control determines what happens when no
channels are selected in the main screen.
Mute means the unit will not play any of the channels when none are
selected. Use this option if you typically only want to hear one or two
channels at a time.
Play All means the unit will unmute, mix, and play all the channels in
the speakers when none are selected. Use this option if you usually
want to hear all the channels and only occasionally “solo” one or more
Channel Select: Set this control to determine how the select buttons work
in the main screen.
Single – Use his option if you only want to hear one channel at a time.
Pressing a select will cancel all other selects.
For example, if channel 1 is selected, and you press channel 3,
channel 1 will be de-selected, and channel 3 will be selected. If you
press the channel 3 select again, no channel will be selected, and what
sounds in the speakers will be determined by the No Chans Selected
Multiple – Use this option if you want to hear multiple channels at one
time. Pressing a select will not cancel all other selects.
For example, pressing selects 1-6 will result in channels 1-6 being
selected, and all 6 channels will sound in the speakers. Pressing the
select key for channel 1 again will de-selected channel 1, and mute it.