Translation of the original operation manual
Airless 270_BAoDB_en_1405 • 0550022 • jw
2.2.6 Health risks
Depending on the materials being applied solvent vapours may
be generated which could cause damage to health and objects.
Always ensure sufficient aeration and ventilation at the work-
place. Always ensure an air change rate of at least 5.
Always observe the processing instructions issued by the
material manufacturers.
Follow the safety notes and dosing information of the
manufacturer and the generally applicable regulations when
handling paints, cleaning agents, oils, greases and other
chemical substances.
When cleaning your skin, use only appropriate skin protection,
skin cleaning and skin care products.
In closed or pressurized systems dangerous chemical reactions
may occur if parts made of aluminium or galvanized parts come
into contact with 1.1.1 - trichloroethane, methylene chloride or other
solvents containing halogenated hydrocarbons (CFC’s). If you want
to process materials containing the afore mentioned substances,
we recommend to consult the material manufacturer to clarify the
usability of such substances.
For these materials, we have available a range of rust- and acid-proof