WT-1011RC IP65 GSM Remote Controller And Alarm System
WT-1011RC IP65 – USER MANUAL – Rev.1.6 – Technical Support:
Please note that it is possible to program up to a maximum of 16 digits for a phone
To program phone number 1111222233 as administrator into list number 1, you would
send the following SMS command to the unit.
After sending the above command, the WT-1011RC will reply a message back to you
that the administrator number has been added.
Example of Returned Message:
Note: It is advised that the owner should set the system to allow programming
access and remote control of Output Relay 1 for administrators only after
programming the Administrator numbers.
Sending SMS Command: *ANY?#1
Only the administrators in the list will have the authority to access the system and
remote control of Output Relay 1 by calling its number, any person outside the list in
this case will not have the authority to access the system and text command sent to the
system will be rejected.
To allow any person gain access to the system just send SMS Command: *ANY?#0
Note: Only Administrator number 1 and 2 may send this SMS command
The system allows the phone numbers in the Guest List as authorized user to operate
the output relays when calling its number. When the system received a phone call from
the Guest List, it will activate the output relays without answering the call therefore it is
free of charge. If it is not a registered user of the Guest List the call is rejected and the
output relays will never trigger. It is possible to program up to 100 phone numbers to be
authorized users in the Guest List of the unit and this can be done by sending the
following SMS to the unit.
5.2 Access Control For Administrators
5.3 Programming the Guest List