MRK950-MRK960 Manager
Pag. 8
Figure 4: Rack Parameter Window
In this window it is possible to change the rack configuration (when available).
It is possible to edit the rack name by double-clicking inside the edit box and typing a new
The selection of the working range of the system, when more than one is available, can be
done using the RFI band drop-down list.
With the Antenna Booster checkboxes is possible to turn on and off the power supply sent to
the remote antenna booster (when used).
If on the top-right edge of the form appears a small button with a locker, the system you are
using supports password protection. Clicking it a dialog box for the insertion of a new
password will appear.
Remember! When you set a password on the system, you will be asked for it on remote
connection operation!
If you forget your password, you will need to disable it using an
hardware jumper inside the rack! So don't forget it!