MRK950-MRK960 Manager
Pag. 7
This window shows the configuration of all the receivers present on the selected system, and
the frequencies saved in memory of the devices, relative to the group of the currently selected
receiver (the one used to open the window). Each column on the grid is related to a single
receiver. It is possible to show also frequencies of all other groups, simply selecting another
one using the drop-down listbox on the top-left angle of the window.
blue thin rectangle
surrounding one of the columns highlights the receiver that was
selected to open the parameters window of this system. The frequency group of this receiver
was used to pre-select the channel group shown on this window.
yellow background
color of some cell, if present, means that the receiver related to the
column, where the yellowed cell is, is tuned on the channel indicated, in the channel group
currently selected. If a receiver has no yellowed cell on current visualization, it means that the
receiver is tuned on a different channel group. The user can
change the current channel
of every receiver simply clicking with the left mouse button on the desired channel on
the grid, while keeping pressed the CTRL-key on the keyboard. If during this operation the grid
cell appears with
red background
, the currently tuned frequency is outside the frequency
range of the system (i.e. using an MRK920 receiver, the frequency is outside the current RF
band of the RFI module).
change working parameters
of one or more receivers, before it is necessary to choose
which receivers will be affected by the operation. Enable or disable it by clicking on the
checkboxes on the top of each grid column. In this way the columns related to enabled
receivers will have a
light blue background
. When operation is enabled for one or more
receivers, the user is granted to change the configuration using the mouse on the parameters
grid. All the enabled receivers will be affected in the same way by the new configuration. In
this way it is extremely easy to reprogram all the receivers of a system with the same
configuration. Double-click with the left mouse button on the frequencies cells let the user to
insert a new frequency to be saved on memory, using the frequency editing form.
It is possible to
load and save over CSV file
all the frequencies of a single receiver in the
current group. To access this functions simply press the right mouse button while the mouse
cursor is over one of the cells containing frequencies for the desired receiver. A popup menu
will appear; simply choose if you want to load or to save data and then the filename to be used
for the operation.
Rack's parameter window
The system parameters window can be accessed on the popup-menu of a rack item in the
tree-view or directly through the
button of a rack graphical module.