MRK950-MRK960 Manager
Intermodulation calculator
With Wisycom Manager it’s possible to make a frequency plan calculation intermodulations
free. To do this, select a receiver in the tree-structured view on the left and select
Management>Intermodulation Calculator menu.
First is displayed the frequency range menu where it’s possible to set up the desiderate
frequency range of calculation and the forbidden ranges if present.
In “WORKING PPARAMETERS”, the receiver working range and the frequency step
(25/50/100/200 KHz) can be changed (select Custom Range to change the receiver working
range and APPLY to confirm).
In “SELECT FREQUENCY RANGES” there are three possibility to set up the allowed and
forbidden frequency range:
changing the Start/Stop frequency of calculation
selecting the band of the Wisycom transmitters in the list
choosing the DVB-T channel (depending on the country)
Select “Allowed range” or “Forbidden range” to add the range on the right table:
if a range is allowed, the relative cell on the first column “#” become dark green.
if a range is forbidden, the relative cell on the first column “#” become brown/red.
In the section below, there is the “Local Region Settings” where it’s possible load a specific
configuration depending on the working area (there are two list box: Region and Area).
It’s possible to create other new Region and Area:
set the allowed and forbidden ranges
save the configuration on the pc
go to C:\Users\
User that had install the Wisycom Manager
Wisycom\Rack Rx Manager (MRK9xx)\\data\FrequencyRanges