User Manual
Appendix 2 - Site Installation Document (SID)
What is a SID?
A SID (Site Installation Document) serves as a record of your WirelessAlert system
installation. The document is used to record details of all installed devices and
accessories, zone set-up, a basic sketch of the installed system in relation to the property
layout, and details of important maintenance and management of the system. The SID
helps to streamline any technical support procedures, and warranty procedures should
they be required.
How to compile a SID?
Please fill in the relevant table information and compile a basic annotated sketch of the site
layout showing position of all WirelessAlert products installed in relation to the site
How to make a SID Sketch?
The site sketch should indicate as much detail as possible, including the property
perimeter, main buildings, outhouses, main entrance gate etc. Highlight any obstacles that
may significantly interfere with radio signal or detection area of the wireless sensors, and
or repeaters. Obstacles may include dense trees or shrubs, corrugated metal roofing,
uneven terrain, thick walls, and buildings. Include distance (m) of all wireless sensors, and
repeaters from the TA
base receiver. Pencil in on the site sketch next to each sensor the
date the sensor was installed.
you can use Google Earth to find the property’s
location and then detail the layout of the WirelessAlert products onto a printed copy of the
Google Earth image.
Storage of SID?
The completed SID should be signed off by the Client and the Agent / Installer. Print a
copy and store in a safe place. Also keep saved copy on your PC. This will serve as a
record in the event technical support is required.
Should technical support be required in the future, you can email relevant information (e.g.
SID sketch) to:
021 088 438 8324
SID Configuration Data
Client / Agent Information Record
Installed Devices
Installed by
Serial Number (if applicable)
Date of Installation
Copyright InFocus Trading 111 cc, 2009