The standard engineering units available on the M203 are:
Inch of Mercury at 0° C (in Hg at 0° C) (absolute)
Millimeters of Mercury at 0° C (mm Hg at 0° C) (absolute)
PSI (absolute)
Millibar (absolute)
Bar (absolute)
kPa (absolute)
Torr (absolute)
ALT / IAS – Selecting this unit gives access to English (knots, MPH and feet) or Metric
(km/h and Meters) units.
To change the engineering units the manometer should be „ON“ and in Measure Mode.
Then follow these steps:
1. Press the PRGM key.
Top line reads „PROGRAM MODE“
and bottom line reads „UNITS
2. Press the PRGM key.
Top line reads „UNITS SELECT“
and bottom line shows current
engineering unit.
3. Press the or arrow key
until desired engineering unit is
Engineering units on bottom line of
display change.
4. Press the PRGM key to select
the engineering unit.
Top line reads „PROGRAM MODE“
and bottom line reads „UNITS
5. Press the arrow key.
The bottom line reads „EXIT“.
6. Press the PRGM key.
Display returns to Measure Mode in
new engineering unit.
The model M203 is capable of displaying altitude (feet or meters based on “U.S. Standard
Atmosphere 1962” tables) and air speed (knots, MPH or km/h). The ALT / IAS Mode is
selected from Program Mode in the Units Select menu. Once ALT / IAS Mode is selected,
the M203’s default measurement is altitude. Pressing the “Tare” key nulls the prevailing ba-
rometric pressure and converts the display to air speed indication. To revert back to altitude
the “Tare” key is toggled again.
To set up the M293 for ALT / IAS Mode use the following steps:
1. Press the PRGM key.
Top line reads „PROGRAM MODE“
and bottom line reads „UNITS
2. Press the PRGM key.
Top line reads „UNITS SELECT“
and bottom line shows current
engineering unit.
3. Press the or arrow key until
„ALT / IAS“ is displayed.
Top line reads „UNITS SELECT“
and bottom reads „ALT / IAS“.
4. Press the PRGM key.
Top line reads „UNITS SELECT“
and bottom reads „ENGLISH“.
5. a. If ENGLISH units are desired,
press the PRGM key. ( For METRIC
units, Go To Step 6 )
Top line reads „UNITS SELECT“
and bottom line reads „KNOTS“.
Note: the altitude unit „FEET“ is
associated with Knots.
5. b. If KNOTS units are desired,
go to step 7. ( For MPH units, go to
step 5c.
5. c. If MPH units are desired,
press the or arrow key until
„MPH“ is displayed.
Top line reads „UNITS SELECT“
and bottom line reads „MPH“.
Note: the altitude unit „FEET“ is
associated with MPH.
5. d. Go to step 7.
6. If METRIC units are desired,
press the or arrow key until
„METRIC“ is displayed.
Top line reads „UNITS SELECT“
and bottom line reads „METRIC“.
Units are set to METERS and km/h
7. Press the PRGM key.
Top line reads „PROGRAM MODE“
and bottom line reads „UNITS
8. Press the arrow key.
Manometer returns to Measure
Mode displaying altitude.