6 Commissioning, operation
WIKA Operating Instruction, Model Pascal ET, ET-P, ET/IS, ET-P/IS 57
Setting channel, function, instrument
All settings can be performed by using the first three buttons on the right side of the main screen
from the top to the bottom:
Channel setting
Function setting
Instrument setting (press and key pressed for some seconds this key to enter the status
Switching button: it enable/disable the 24 V DC current supply for external instrumentation
6.4.1 Channel setting
A dedicated screen allows to configure the instrument channel: this screen contains dynamic
elements, so they can differ depending on the module of the channel. If, for example, the channel is
configured for thermoresistance measurements, by pressing the button “Chanel setting” the screen
could be show the following parameters:
Figure 56
– “IN” Channel setting