6 Commissioning, operation
50 WIKA Operating Instruction, Pascal ET, ET-P, ET/IS, ET-P/IS
Calculation is possible only when channel A is assigned for mV measurement (bridge signal) and
channel B is assigned for V generation, range 0÷20 V (bridge supply). Moreover channel A should
not be set in error mode.
In this case, below what will be displayed:
Figure 47
– Cell Load calculation
Pascal ET, ET-P, ET/IS, ET-P/IS allows to manage the sensitivity of the load cell from 0 mV/V up
to 9.99999 mV/V.
Moreover, on channel 4C or D, the SCALING function can be assigned through the menu
) in order to display an engineering unit more appropriate (for
example Kg or a pressure unit).
Figure 48
– Cell Load calculation with Scaling function active