Sausage making has evolved over many years and generations, and as a result there are countless types of
sausage you can make using the basic ingredients of meat, fat and a few carefully blended spices. Following
are a few simple guidelines that will help you make the best tasting sausage possible.
Any type of meat can be used for making sausage: pork, beef, bison, moose and caribou, even antelope
make great sausage. It is important when preparing venison or other red game meats to trim all the fat from
the meat, as red game tallow will turn rancid in as few as five days. Replace the fat with either pork or beef
fat, depending on the type of product you are making, at a ratio of 1 pound (0.5 kg) of fat for every 4 pounds
(1.8 kg) of game meat.
The fat content of your sausage will affect the taste, texture, cooking characteristics and shelf life of your
product. Most commercially made sausage has a fat content of about 20%. Using less than 12% fat will result
in a very dry tasting sausage, while using more than 20% may result in a sticky flavorless sausage that will be
difficult to cook.
It is important to properly cure meats to preserve meat and poultry, and to destroy undesirable
microorganisms on the meat surfaces that cause spoilage and foodbourne illnesses. There are many steps
that help in this process, including smoking, cooking, drying, chilling and the addition of cure ingredients. The
oldest means of accomplishing this is by introducing salt into the meat. The resistance of bacteria to salt varies
widely among different types of bacteria. The growth of some bacteria is inhibited by salt concentrations as
low as 3%, e.g., Salmonella, whereas other types are able to survive in much higher salt concentrations, e.g.,
Staphylococcus. Fortunately, the growth of many undesirable organisms normally found in cured meat and
poultry products is inhibited at low concentrations of salt.
Modern curing is based on Nitrates and is very scientific. Purchase Weston Pink Curing Salt
(02-0000-W) and follow the included instructions to ensure that you are properly curing your homemade
Weston offers a complete variety of casings. The right choice depends on personal preference as well as
the type of sausage you wish to make. For most sausages, your choices are natural or collagen. Don’t let
the names fool you; collagen casings are not a synthetic. They are made from beef skin and other tissues.
Collagen casings are uniform in size and texture and require almost no preparation. “Natural” casings are the
intestines of lamb, sheep, hogs or beef. They are less uniform in size and require preparation. There are also
fibrous non-edible casings that are most commonly used for summer sausage and ring bologna
Most sausages fall into one of four categories: Fresh, Smoked, Cooked or Dried. All sausages, except dried,
require refrigerated storage. There is also a sub-category of uncooked smoked sausages.
Among the fresh and uncooked smoked sausages, you will find such flavors as kielbasa or Polish sausage,
Italian sausage, breakfast sausage and many others. Both fresh and uncooked smoked sausages require
cooking before eating and also require refrigerated storage.
Smoked and cooked sausages include salami, bologna, the ever-popular hot dogs and many others. Proper
smoking requires a smokehouse or smoker. Most smoked sausages are warmed before serving. Many
people think that a smoked sausage will last much longer without spoilage, but this is not true. Smoked
sausages should be treated the same as fresh sausage in terms of storage.
Dried sausages require the longest processing time, as they are air dried over a long period of time. Dry cured
sausages include salami, chorizo, pepperoni, among others. The conditions under which the meat is dried are
very exacting; temperature, time and humidity must all be carefully monitored for a safe and delicious product.
For the best flavors, we recommend vacuum sealing your fresh sausages, then storing them in the refrigerator
(short term) or freezer (long term). Weston manufactures a variety of vacuum sealers. Ask the retailer from
which you purchased this unit for their selection. Store dry cured products in paper or other breathable
wrapping, unrefrigerated.
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