9.0 References
9. 1 Type OS Low Voltage AC Power Circuit Breakers
I.B. 33-790-IF
Instructions for Low-Voltage Power Circuit
Breakers Types DS and DSL
I . B. 33-790-I F
Section SA Su pplement Circuit Breaker
Automatic Tripping System When Using
No. 1
Digitrip R M S Trip Assem bly
SC-4281 -87
Typical Time-Current Characteristic Cu rve
(LI) for Type DS Ci rcuit Breakers
Typical Time-Cu rrent Cha racteristic Curve
( LS) for Type DS Circuit Breakers
Typical Time-Cu rrent Characteristic Cu rve
(G) for Type DS Ci rcuit Breakers
Connection Diagram for Type DS Ci rcuit
9.2 Type SPB Systems Pow-R Breakers
I.L. 29-801
I . L. 29-855
I.S. 1 5545
I nstruction for the Systems Pow-R Breaker
and Drawout Mechanism
Supplementary I nstructions for the Systems
Pow-R Breaker used with the Digitrip RMS
Trip Assembly
Typical Time-Current Characteristic Curve
(LI) for Type SPB Systems Pow-R Breaker
Typical Time-Current Characteristic Cu rve
(LS) for Type SPB Systems Pow-R Breaker
Typical Time-Cu rrent Cha racteristic Curve
(G) for Type SPB Systems Pow-R Breaker
SPB Master Connection Diagram using
Digitrip R M S Trip Assemblies
9.3 Digitrip RMS Trip Assemblies
I . L. 29-851
I nstructions for Digitrip RMS 500 Trip Unit
I . L. 29-852
I nstructions for Digitrip R M S 600 Trip Unit
I.L. 29-853
Instructions for Digitrip R M S 700 Trip U nit
I . L. 29-854
I n structions for Digitrip RMS 800 Trip Unit
9.4 Series C R-Frame Molded Case Circuit Breakers
29-1 06
29-1 07
I.L. 29C709
Frame Book
Frame Instruction Leaflet
Supplement I nstructions for Series C
Frame used with the Digitrip RMS Trip
Assem bly
Typical Time-Cu rrent Characteristic Cu rve
(LI) for Type RD Circuit Breakers
Typical Time-Current Cha racteristic Curve
( LS ) for Type RD Circuit B reakers
Typical Time-Cu rrent Characteristic Cu rve
( G ) for Type RD Circuit B reakers
Master Connection Diagram for Series C
R-Frame Ci rcuit Breaker with Digitrip RMS
1 1
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