test. The value of the simulated test current is 1 .0 per unit of
the rating plug value.
5.4 Mode of Conducting Tests
5.4.1 Control Power
Insta l l the Auxiliary Power Module (Cat. No. PRTAAPM) to
insure control power is available for testing.
5.4.2 By Not Tripping the Breaker
1 . Should the circuit breaker be in the cell "Con nected" position
and carrying load current, make sure that the circuit breaker
is carrying no more than 40% of the plug ampere rating On ).
2. Place the test selector switch i n one of the six "No Trip" test
settings, i .e., 1 , 2, 3,
1 0, or GF.
3. Depress the "Test" pushbutton and release it - the test is
i nitiated when the pushbutton is released.
4. Should any of the various protection setti ngs be less than
the selected "No Trip" test value, then the LED related to
that function wi l l turn on signifying successful completion
of the test action. Note : For long delay tests there wil l be
some period of time between start of test and LED turn
5. Reset the trip unit by depressing and releasing the "Tri p
Reset" pushbutton . All LEOs turned "ON" by the "No Tri p"
test action should turn "OFF".
Fig. 6.1
View with Hinged
Cover Closed
Fig. 6.2
View with Hinged
Cover Open and
Battery Installed
Fig. 6
Typical Rating Plug
Should an actual overload or fault condition occur during an
i n-service, "No Trip Test" sequence, the protection function
wi l l override the test function, and the circuit breaker wi l l trip
automatical ly as pre-prog rammed with the various Time-Cur
rent setti ngs.
The "Trip Reset" pushbutton may be depressed
at any time. However, should a test i n i tiated via the
integral test panel be in progress, it would be aborted.
A test i n i tiated via the i n tegral test panel may be
aborted at any time by depressing the "Tri p Reset"
5.4.3 By Tripping the Breaker
1 . Make sure that the circuit breaker is carrying no more than
40% of the plug a mpere rati ng O n).
2. Place the test selector switch i n one of the two "Trip" test
setti ngs, i .e., 6T or G FT.
3. Depress the "Test" pushbutton and release it - the test is
initiated when the push button is released.
4. Should any of the various protection setti ngs be less than
the selected "Tri p" test value, the ci rcuit breaker wi l l trip
and the LED related to that function will turn "ON" fol lowi ng
the test action.
5. Reset the trip unit by depressing and releasing the "Trip
Reset" pushbutton. All LEOs turned "ON" resulting from
the "Trip" test action should turn "OFF".
Fig. 6.3
View with Hinged
Cover Open and
Battery Removed
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