Fasteners - Not Supplied
Because materials and construction of floors and walls can vary, fasteners for attaching the locker to the
structure are not provided.
The installer must choose the appropriate fastener and follow the manufacturer's instructions.
Determine the construction of the walls and/or floor.
Lockers are usually attached to the wall and no attachment to the floor is required.
If the lockers are installed back-to-back in the middle of a room, brackets will be supplied to secure
them to the floor and to each other.
Locker Fastener Guidelines:
• If the floor is wood construction, attachment should be by sheet metal or lag screws (#10 minimum).
• If the floor is concrete, attachment should be by concrete screw (Tapcon), or sheet metal screws
(#10 minimum) into metal or plastic inserts.
• If the wall is wood stud-and-drywall construction, attachment should be by lag screws (1/4" minimum)
into every stud.
• If the wall is metal stud-and-drywall construction, attachment should be by toggle bolt (1/4" minimum) into
every stud.
• If the wall is concrete block construction, attachment should be by concrete screw (Tapcon) or toggle bolt
(1/4" minimum), spaced no more than 16" apart.
• If the wall is poured concrete construction, attachment should be by concrete screw (Tapcon) or wedge-type
concrete anchors, spaced no more than 24" apart.
Each wall and floor connection must be rated for a minimum of 500 lb (227 kg) of tension.
Other fasteners may be used if the connection strength requirement is met.
Inferior or improperly installed
fasteners could cause the
locker to tip over.
Layout Configurations
Back W
Wall Mount
Island Mount
Lockers can be installed in wall mount or island mount configurations.
Be sure to follow the appropriate installation instructions on the following pages.